How Do Crops Absorb and Use Nutrients?

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The root system of crops is the main organ to absorb nutrients and water, and most of the nutrients needed for their growth and development are absorbed from the soil by the root system. The nutrients absorbed by the roots are mainly various inorganic nutrient ions dissolved in the soil solution, including anions and cations. For example, the absorbed chlorine is mainly ammonium ion and nitrate ion, the absorbed phosphorus is mainly hydrogen phosphate ion, and the absorbed potassium is mainly potassium ion, etc.

The root system of crops is the main organ to absorb nutrients and water, and most of the nutrients needed for their growth and development are absorbed from the soil by the root system. The nutrients absorbed by the roots are mainly various inorganic nutrient ions dissolved in the soil solution, including anions and cations. For example, the absorbed chlorine is mainly ammonium ion and nitrate ion, the absorbed phosphorus is mainly hydrogen phosphate ion, and the absorbed potassium is mainly potassium ion. Ion absorption is divided into active absorption and passive absorption. The active absorption of ions refers to the nutrients in the root epidermis, which are selectively absorbed into cells by the metabolism of crops, and transferred to the parts needed by crops through the transmission between cells and cells, which is a process of energy consumption. Passive absorption of ions refers to the cations and anions produced by the respiration of crop roots, which exchange with ions adsorbed on the surface of soil clay particles or ions in soil solution, and make nutrients enter plants through diffusion and mass flow. This passive absorption has no selectivity and crops do not consume energy.

In addition to the roots of crops to absorb nutrients, the leaves can also absorb nutrients. The nutrients absorbed by the leaf generally enter from the leaf cuticle and stomata, and finally enter the cell through the plasma membrane. It is roughly similar to the root absorption, but also to absorb mineral nutrients, but also to absorb some organic nutrients (such as humic acid, etc.). The nutrients absorbed by the leaves not only participate in metabolic activities in the leaves, but also can be used by the stems and roots. According to the characteristics of crop absorption, nutrients can be mixed into a certain concentration of liquid, sprinkled on the leaves of crops, this way of fertilization is called root top dressing.


What kind of fertilizer is water soluble fertilizer and how to use it effectively

Water-soluble fertilizer is an efficient, environmentally friendly and easy to use fertilizer, which has many advantages such as improving crop yield and quality, enhancing crop resistance and improving soil structure, so it has been widely used in modern agriculture. This article will introduce in detail the types, characteristics, use methods and precautions of water-soluble fertilizers to help readers better understand and use water-soluble fertilizers.


What are the types of water soluble fertilizers?

Water dosage form: good water solubility, convenient application, good mixing with pesticides, etc., but the nutrient content is limited, transportation and storage are inconvenient, and the packaging requirements are also high; the common production process method is dissolution and mixing, and the main production equipment includes Crusher, reaction kettle, storage tank and packaging equipment.


What are the characteristics of water-soluble fertilizers?

Water-soluble fertilizers are generally combined with irrigation measures due to their full solubility in water, which is often referred to as water and fertilizer integration technology. Fertilizer and irrigation water were applied to the root layer soil by different irrigation methods. In addition, water-soluble fertilizers with high concentration and comprehensive nutrient types can also be used for foliar spraying of crops. Compared with ordinary compound fertilizer, it has the following advantages.



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